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Alumni who published papers while in the Lab and their last year with us.

Laura Bach, MPH ‘15

Sabeeh Baig, PhD ’18

William Calo, ‘17

Yuli Chang, MPH ‘08

Jessica DeFrank, PhD ‘14

Alrick Edwards, MPH ‘09

Karah I. Fazekas, MPH ‘07

Kayoll Galbraith, MPH ‘14

Waru Gichane, PhD ‘16

Paul Gilbert, MPH ‘10

Melissa Gilkey, PhD ‘14

Kim Hayes, MPH ‘10

Qian Huang, PhD (postdoc) ‘22

Jessica Hughes, MPH ‘08

Katie Keating, MPH ‘08

Sarah E. Lillie, MPH ’06

Teri Malo, ‘17

Marjorie Margolis, PhD ‘21

Melissa Mayer, MPH ‘13

Annie-Laurie McRee, PhD ‘11

Cicely Mitchell, ‘07

Alicia Mingo, MD, MPH ‘11

Ed Morrill, ‘08

Jennifer Morgan, ‘17

Jennifer Moss, PhD ‘15

Terence Ng, ‘09

Brittany O’Malley, MPH ‘11

Suzanne O’Neill, PhD (postdoc) ‘08

Humberto Parada, ‘17

Jessica Pepper, PhD (postdoc) ‘16

Alison Reed, MPH ‘09

Paul Reiter, PhD (postdoc) ‘11

Alice Richman, PhD (postdoc) ‘10

Talya Salz, PhD ’08

Chrisine Schuler, MD, MPH, ‘10

Nina Sperber, MPH ‘07

Janice Tzeng, MPH ‘09

Dongyu Zhang, MD ‘18

Karen Ziarnowski, MPH ‘08

Rachel Zucker, MPH ‘13